Stress Less: How Yoga and Meditation Heal Your DNA and Keep You Young

Stress is a sneaky enemy with powerful consequences. It can damage your DNA by shortening your telomeres, accelerating the aging process and increasing your risk of diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Not exactly what you want from your everyday worries and anxieties. But is the damage done by stress irreversible? Not quite! There’s more and more evidence proving that true relaxation—and we’re not talking about watching TV or mindlessly scrolling through social media—has the power to undo the damage stress inflicts on your DNA. Keep reading to learn how to tap into your relaxation response and give your DNA a much-needed stress detox.

When stress attacks your DNA

When you’re stressed, your body goes into “fight or flight” mode and kicks up the production of a molecule called nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB). This molecule regulates your gene expression, more specifically, coaxing your genes to create cytokines, which promote inflammation in your cells. And when you have cellular inflammation, you’re setting yourself up for rapid aging and increased vulnerability to diseases (note: inflammaging).

Now for the good news: research shows that mind-body interventions (MBIs) like yoga, meditation, and tai chi can help reverse the damage stress does to your DNA.

How mind-body interventions save your DNA

A study from Coventry University discovered that individuals who practice MBIs produce less NF-κB and cytokines. This reduction leads to less cellular inflammation caused by stress and a lower risk of inflammation-related diseases. According to lead investigator Ivana Buric from Coventry University’s Centre for Psychology, Behavior, and Achievement, these activities leave a “molecular signature” in our cells, which counters the negative effects stress would have on our bodies by changing how our genes are expressed. In simpler terms, MBIs steer our DNA processes towards improving our overall wellness.

But how long does it take for these practices to have a positive impact on your DNA? Another study suggests that within 15 minutes, practices that initiate the relaxation response (e.g., yoga, meditation, and repetitive prayer) can enhance your genetic expression by positively influencing energy metabolism, insulin secretion, and inflammatory pathways. The valuable takeaway here: you’re only 15 minutes away from healthier genes!

Embracing the mind-body magic

Since stress is an unavoidable part of life, it’s essential to prioritize your well-being by incorporating mind-body interventions into your daily routine. Not only does engaging in these practices help you manage stress, but it also provides the invaluable benefit of reversing the damage stress has done to your DNA.

How to make MBIs part of your life? You can start practicing yoga, meditation, tai chi, or qigong. You can also explore guided imagery, biofeedback, acupressure, acupuncture, and massage—therapies known to trigger the relaxation response. The key is to dedicate time each day to turn off that “fight or flight” switch, thereby changing your genes and enhancing your overall well-being. Don’t wait any longer; embrace the power of mind-body interventions, and pave the way to a healthier and more stress-resilient version of yourself.