Stretch Your Stress Away: Discover Yoga’s Thread the Needle Flow

Imagine a simple and effective way to release tension, improve joint mobility, and stretch various muscles throughout your body. It’s possible with a yoga flow that combines Sun Salutation, High Plank, Thread the Needle, and Cat\Cow poses. Best of all, you don’t need any previous yoga experience to gain the benefits of this tension-busting combo.

The Benefits of the Flow

This sequence is designed to open and stretch the side flanks, spine, hips, and shoulders. Most people focus on stretching their legs and hips, but the upper body can benefit just as much, if not more. The upper body can hold a lot of tension, so it’s essential to target that area properly.

Getting Started

To begin the sequence, follow these steps:

  1. Stand with feet together and breathe in as you raise both arms up above your head.

  2. Lower your arms, palms facing back, as you swan dive forward, touching the floor at the end of this motion. Come as close as you can without struggling.

  3. Step back, one leg at a time, into “Downward Facing Dog.” Heels down, hips high, relax your neck, and keep your knees a little “soft” (bent) as needed.

Moving into High Plank

  1. While in downward-facing dog, shift your weight forward onto your hands and move into a “high plank” position with your wrists under your shoulders and your body in a straight line from your head to your heels.

Thread the Needle Pose

  1. Place your left knee down on the ground.

  2. Turn your right foot out and reach your right arm up toward the ceiling. This will lift your rib cage away from the floor.

  3. (Optional) You can place your extended arm over your head and lift your right leg up, forming a straight line from your foot to your fingertips.

Now it’s time to “thread the needle.”

  1. Put your right knee back down on the floor, turn your right palm over, and thread it under and through your torso. You will extend your right arm past your left, aligning the arm along the floor until your arm and right ear are touching the floor.

  2. Relax for a moment and inhale as you raise your left arm high, then bend it to rest on your back. If you cannot naturally hold this position, you can grab the back of your waistband or shirt for support. You may be able to wrap your left arm past your back and hand over your right thigh. This may be difficult for some, so just do as much as you’re able and remember that progress takes time!

  3. Remain in this position as long as you like, allowing your shoulders to open up.

Transition to Table Top and Cat/Cow Poses

  1. When you’re ready to come out of Thread the Needle, place your left hand under your face and press up to adjust back into Table Top position.

  2. From Table Top, you will now perform the “Cat and Cow” poses to relax your spine. Begin by curling your spine up and lowering your head as you inhale. Exhale as you move into the opposite position, with spine concave and head up.

Repeat the Sequence

Now that you’ve completed the sequence on one side, it’s time to repeat the entire flow from Sun Salutation, High Plank, Thread the Needle, and Cat/Cow on the opposite side.

Take Your Time and Enjoy the Flow

As with any form of exercise, the key to enjoying and benefiting from this yoga flow is to listen to your body and take your time. Don’t rush through the poses; instead, focus on proper alignment, breathwork, and relaxation. Whether you’re new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, you’ll likely find that this sequence leaves you feeling refreshed and tension-free.