The medical world has long believed in the “cut and burn” approach to treating cancer, surgically removing tumors and diseased tissue without considering alternative treatments. One recent study, however, challenges this belief, with data raising questions about whether this approach offers significant benefits to patients diagnosed with cancer. For instance, a study out of the esteemed Brigham and Women’s Hospital found that contralateral prophylactic mastectomy (CPM), or the surgical removal of a breast unaffected by cancer as part of breast cancer treatment, does not increase survival rates. CPM more than tripled from 2002 through 2012, but research shows that this treatment is not helpful for the majority of women who are not at high risk due to gene mutation.
Instead, the data showed that women diagnosed with cancer in one breast were increasingly unlikely to be diagnosed with cancer in the other breast. The study’s senior author, Mehra Golshan, MD, Distinguished Chair in Surgical Oncology at BWH, advises patients and caregivers to weigh the benefits of CPM against the potential risks, such as prolonged recovery time, increased risk of operative complications, cost, the possible need for repeat surgery, and negative effects on self-image.
While there are thousands of people seeking alternative cancer treatments each year, medical professionals seemingly show little interest in hearing about it or researching alternative options. One such alternative, fermented wheat germ extract, has shown promising results in battling cancer. A 2001 study published in Carcinogenesis demonstrated that animals exposed to cancer-causing chemicals and fed fermented wheat germ extract had significantly fewer tumors than a placebo-fed group. Another study in Anticancer Research in 1998 demonstrated that this same extract slowed the growth and spread of several types of preexisting cancers in laboratory animals. The Hungarian government has approved this natural treatment as an alternative cancer therapy, but American patients who wish to learn more about it must seek information from overseas.
When considering the medical world’s resistance to alternative treatments, it’s important not to discount the impact of profits in the medical industry, which can make it difficult to gain support for alternative treatments that threaten the status quo. With this in mind, it’s essential for patients and their families to be proactive in learning about and considering alternative treatment options. A great place to start is with Dr. Michael Cutler’s book, “Surviving Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Causes, Treatments and Big Business Behind Medicine’s Most Frightening Diagnosis” which offers more information on the potential benefits of alternative treatments like fermented wheat germ extract. In the fight against cancer, it’s crucial to explore every possible avenue for treatment, even if the medical elite hesitate to embrace these alternatives.