The Sneaky Truth About Sugar: Why It’s Not as Sweet as You Think!

Sugar might be tasty, but did you know it’s also highly toxic? That’s right—all types of sugar and sweeteners, except for natural honey and natural Peruvian stevia, can wreak havoc on your body, leading to a wide range of health problems and diseases. In fact, sugar consumption has increased from just 7 pounds per person per year in 1900 in the United States to a staggering 150 pounds per person per year today. This skyrocketing rate of consumption has led to a plethora of illnesses and guaranteed the medical industry massive profits each year.

The sad truth is that all diseases can be directly related to sugar consumption, whether it’s white or brown sugar, or even synthetic chemical sugars. These substances, particularly the synthetic sweeteners, are basic ingredients used by all commercial food processors and can be found in almost every grocery store product. And yet, no warnings are ever given about their highly toxic nature.

Some synthetic sweeteners are more toxic than others, but all of them can cause multiple diseases, from convulsions to diabetes. Moreover, they all accumulate as acid poisons in the human body. It’s no wonder that artificial or synthetic sweeteners should display a skull and crossbones on their packaging! There is a mountain of research on the extreme danger of synthetic sugars, and it’s nearly impossible to have good health while consuming sugar at the same time.

The Benefits of Dropping Sugar and Synthetic Sweeteners

Still not convinced? Your body will certainly thank you if you decide to cut out sugar and synthetic sweeteners. Here are just a few of the benefits you can experience when you ditch the sweet stuff:

  • Your energy levels will improve.
  • Your weight will stabilize.
  • Your intestines and colon will perform more efficiently.
  • You’ll stop craving sugar.
  • Your skin will look healthier.

How to Cut Sugar Out of Your Diet

If you’re currently consuming a lot of sugar, going cold turkey might feel like a monumental challenge. However, it doesn’t have to be this way—you can gradually ease into a sugar-free lifestyle by cutting back a little bit each day.

To help set a goal for your sugar consumption, the World Health Organization recommends that sugar should account for no more than 5 percent of your daily calories. Unfortunately, the average American consumes more than 300 times this recommended amount. By aiming for this percentage and reducing your sugar intake a little bit every day, you’ll soon start noticing the benefits of a sugar-free life.

Be Aware of Hidden Sugars and Sweeteners in Foods

Cutting out sugar means more than just skipping dessert—it also means being aware of hidden sugars and sweeteners in other everyday foods. Check labels and ingredient lists carefully, and watch out for things like:

  • High fructose corn syrup
  • Sucralose
  • Aspartame
  • Saccharin
  • Acesulfame potassium

These are just a few examples of the hidden sugars and sweeteners you might be consuming without realizing it. By reading labels and making more informed choices, you can gradually reduce your sugar intake and work toward a healthier lifestyle.

Sugar Alternatives to Satisfy Your Cravings

If you’re still craving sweetness without the harmful effects of sugar or synthetic sweeteners, there are a few alternatives you can try. Natural honey can be a great way to sweeten your tea or yogurt while providing some potential health benefits. Another option is natural Peruvian stevia, which comes from the leaves of the stevia plant and can be used in place of sugar without the negative effects.

Final Thoughts

Cutting sugar out of your diet might seem daunting at first, but it’s essential for protecting your overall health. By reducing your sugar intake, watching out for hidden sugars, and substituting natural alternatives, you can experience improved energy, weight stability, and better digestive function. Give it a try—your body will thank you for it!