Strengthening the muscles around your spine and developing a strong core are essential components for maintaining overall health and well-being. They can greatly impact your daily activities, whether it’s playing sports or working in the garden. One of the most effective tools to accomplish this is through medicine ball training.
The medicine ball is a leather-wrapped ball filled with sand that makes it an awkward weight to move around. The shifting sand provides an added challenge when training, effectively activating and strengthening the core muscles around your spine. However, it’s important to train with the medicine ball correctly to prevent injury to the spine and back. In this article, we’ll introduce two methods of training core strength with the medicine ball while minimizing twists that could cause harm to your back.
Rule #1 – Protect your spine
The thoracic (middle) and lumbar (lower) regions of your spine are mobile, with increased flexibility as you move from your hips toward your head. When using a medicine ball, you may often see big twists coming from the lumbar region to turn the body. While twisting is fine for certain activities and overall mobility training, excessive twisting with a heavy medicine ball can increase the risk of damaging or injuring your lower back.
Avoid exercises that involve twisting and turning behind you to pass the medicine ball to a partner, as these movements may not be the safest for your spine. Instead, try these two exercises for a safer way to build core strength with the medicine ball:
Mid-Spine Twist
The mid-spine twist focuses on training your abdominal muscles without requiring excessive hip movement. To do this exercise, stand with your feet apart, holding the medicine ball in front of you. Use more thoracic (middle back) movement as you twist back and forth. Pre-tense or contract your abdominal muscles, keeping them tight and squeezed as you exhale. Leave your hips and lower body locked in place but not tense to maximize the movement in your mid- to upper back.
Whole Spine Twist
The whole spine twist incorporates movement from your lower, middle, and upper spine in a safe manner by using your legs. To execute this twist, rotate on one leg while pivoting the other leg and foot in the direction of the ball movement. This relieves pressure on your lower back but allows for twist and conditioning in a larger range of your spine.
Take your time with these exercises – quality is more important than quantity or speed. You can use a medicine ball from your gym or purchase one at a sporting goods store. If you don’t have access to a medicine ball, you can use a hand weight, but using the medicine ball is preferred. Perform the movements for 30 seconds at a time, with three sets, adjusting the duration as necessary to match your ability.
If you devote time and practice to these exercises while keeping your spine safe, you can build a strong, stable core and maintain a supple spine. This combination of strength and flexibility will greatly benefit your daily activities and overall health. Remember to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you have concerns about your spine or have pre-existing medical conditions. Finally, always listen to your body and make adjustments as needed to keep your workouts safe and effective.