The world of mental health medicine is complex, and unfortunately, there are no permanent cures for mental health problems. Many mental health medications may provide temporary relief for symptoms, but they often have adverse side effects, such as changing someone’s personality or causing feelings of listlessness or depression. One mental health disorder that is often treated with medication is panic disorder.
Panic Disorder and Medication
Panic disorder is characterized by regular, persistent panic attacks. These attacks are a physical response to mental stimuli and occur when the mind becomes hypersensitive to the body’s reactions to everyday events. Panic disorder goes through the following cycle:
- Person suffers from a panic attack.
- Person worries that they’ll have another panic attack.
- Person gets anxiety that they may get a panic attack.
- Anxiety increases the person’s heart rate.
- Person feels the heart rate increase and thinks they are having a panic attack.
- Person suffers from a panic attack.
Doctors often prescribe heavy tranquilizers and anti-anxiety medication for panic disorder. These medications can indeed decrease the frequency of panic attacks, but they may also alter one’s energy and personality. Moreover, when a person starts weaning off the medication, they often worry that their panic attacks will come back, causing increased sensitivity and even worse panic attacks than before. In other words, the medications can provide temporary relief but may ultimately make the panic attacks worse.
Drug-Free Coping Methods
Instead of relying on medications, it’s essential to learn drug-free ways to cope with panic disorder. Here are some suggestions:
*Stop fighting the panic attacks: Accept that you have a panic attack problem and start expecting them. Instead of avoiding situations that may trigger a panic attack, face them and let yourself have an attack. The more you experience them, the less fearful they become.
*Try herbal supplements: Some herbal supplements, such as kava and passionflower, have been shown to help reduce anxiety and may provide relief for panic disorder. Be sure to consult with a healthcare professional before trying these supplements, especially if you have liver problems or are taking other medications.
*Learn relaxation exercises: Activities such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation can help you stay calm when experiencing a panic attack. They may not prevent the attack altogether, but they can help reduce its intensity.
*Find a supportive friend: Having someone who understands your panic disorder and is available to talk when you need help can make a huge difference. Knowing someone is there to help if something goes wrong can make you feel calmer and reduce the severity of panic attacks.
Why Avoiding Medication is Beneficial
Although it might be tempting to depend on pharmaceutical medications for temporary relief, they’re not the answer to managing panic disorder. The side effects and potential for worsening symptoms make them less than ideal treatments. Instead, focus on drug-free coping methods to address panic disorder healthily, effectively, and without risking your overall well-being.
To sum up, while medications for panic disorder may seem like a quick fix, they are not a long-term solution. By learning drug-free coping methods, you can manage panic disorder without the damaging side effects and potential worsening of symptoms that often come with medications. As always, consult with a mental health professional to discuss your specific situation and develop a personalized, effective plan of action.