Volunteer Your Way to a Younger You: How Helping Others Helps You Shave Off Years

When it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle, most people primarily focus on diet and exercise. However, did you know that maintaining psychological well-being and staying socially active can greatly improve your overall health? Psychological and social wellness are important aspects of a healthy lifestyle that shouldn’t be overlooked. Studies have shown that one particular activity can help you achieve optimal health while feeling younger: volunteering.

The health benefits of giving back

Researchers at Ghent University conducted a study involving over 40,000 participants, and discovered that individuals who engage in volunteer work tend to be healthier than those who don’t. Volunteering can make you feel as healthy as someone five years younger than you. Want to shave off a few years on your birthday cake? Volunteering might be the key.

This isn’t the first time that scientific research has shown the numerous health benefits of volunteering. Volunteering has been found to:

  • Decrease depression
  • Increase your lifespan
  • Improve life satisfaction
  • Help burn more calories
  • Reduce the risk of high blood pressure
  • Prevent or reverse age-related cognitive impairment
  • Prevent frailty in old age
  • Improve cardiovascular health
  • Reduce the risk of becoming disabled from chronic health conditions

These are just a few of the many reasons that volunteering is good for our health.

So why does volunteering make us healthier?

Volunteering encourages the brain to release hormones such as oxytocin and progesterone, both of which are known to reduce stress and inflammation. Given the negative effects of stress and inflammation on our bodies, it’s no wonder that volunteering can offer numerous health benefits.

Is it selfish to volunteer for the sake of your health?

You might wonder if volunteering just to improve your own health is a selfish act. The truth is that you’ll likely get more health benefits from volunteering if you genuinely find satisfaction from helping others. Most people who volunteer do so because they find it rewarding, which in turn contributes to their overall well-being.

Wouldn’t it be great if volunteering were both enjoyable and a way to improve your health? The key to getting the most out of volunteer work as it pertains to one’s health is finding a cause that you care about. That way, you’ll be more likely to feel satisfied with your efforts and reap the most benefits from your experience.

Ways to volunteer in your community

There are countless ways to get involved in volunteer work, from helping out at an animal shelter to teaching a class at your local library. Some other ways you might consider volunteering include:

  • Cooking meals for Meals on Wheels
  • Becoming a docent at a museum
  • Coaching a local youth sports team
  • Training service dogs
  • Lending a hand at a community garden
  • Offering your professional expertise to a local nonprofit

No matter which cause you decide to support or what your motivation may be, engaging in volunteer work will inevitably have a positive impact on both the world and your own health.

In conclusion

Volunteering is a small act with far-reaching consequences. By giving back to your community, not only do you benefit the lives of others, but you also improve your own health and well-being. So, if you’re seeking to lead a more fulfilling life both physically and mentally, consider volunteering as a way to boost your health and feel younger in the process.