Is Your Child Sharing Secrets Online? The Surprising Truth Parents Need to Know!

If you think you know what your kids are doing online, think again. New research shows that a jaw-dropping 73% of children are giving out personal information on the internet, while only 4% of parents believe their kids are actually doing so. This shocking study, conducted at Tel Aviv University, highlights the terrifying reality that a majority of parents are in the dark when it comes to their children’s online activities.

The Dangers of Sharing Personal Information Online

By giving out personal information, your child potentially exposes themselves to numerous risks, including identity theft, cyberbullying, or even grooming by predators. According to, 70% of students report seeing frequent bullying online, while the National Center for Education Statistics indicates that over 20% of students aged 12 to 18 experienced bullying in 2019 alone. These alarming statistics emphasize the significance of educating parents and children about internet safety.

Face-to-Face Meetings with Strangers

The Tel Aviv University study also unveiled some unnerving facts about kids making face-to-face contact with strangers they met online. The research found that 35% of high schoolers and 36% of teens admitted to meeting strangers in person after connecting with them on the internet. The study additionally revealed that 40% of children openly admitted to speaking with strangers regularly while online.

Disturbingly, only 9% of parents were aware of their child meeting with people they first encountered on the internet. This enormous gap showcases the pressing need for parents to be more vigilant and informed about their kid’s online interactions to protect them from potential predators or criminals.

Why The Disconnect Between Parents and Kids?

One reason the disconnect between parents and children concerning online behavior may be even more significant in the United States is that middle-class children often have increased opportunities to surf the internet privately. This lack of supervision can make it more challenging for parents to monitor and prevent any potentially harmful behaviors or interactions with strangers.

What Can Parents Do To Protect Their Kids?

  1. Open a dialogue: Talk to your kids about the potential dangers of sharing personal information online, meeting strangers they connected with on the internet, and engaging in other risky online behaviors. Encourage them to be open with you about their online activities.
  2. Set boundaries: Establish guidelines for safe internet usage, including rules for sharing personal information, social media privacy settings, and time limits on screen usage.
  3. Monitor their activities: Be mindful of your children’s online behavior. Regularly check their browsing history, social media pages, and online accounts to ensure they are adhering to your guidelines and not engaging in unsafe online practices.
  4. Educate yourself: Stay up-to-date with digital trends, popular apps, and websites among kids and teens. The more you know, the better equipped you will be to navigate conversations and make informed decisions about your child’s internet safety.
  5. Use parental control software: Utilize parental control software to monitor and limit your kid’s access to specific websites or content, as well as their ability to share personal information online.
  6. Take part in their online world: Get involved in your child’s online activities to better understand their experience and foster stronger lines of communication.
  7. Teach by example: Model responsible internet behaviors by being cautious with your own personal information online, setting appropriate privacy settings on social media, and demonstrating positive digital etiquette.

In conclusion, parents must actively work to bridge the gap between what they think their kids are doing online and the reality of the situation. By opening a dialogue, setting boundaries, monitoring their children’s activities, educating themselves, and using parental control software, parents can play a more significant role in protecting their kids from the dangers of the digital world. Remember, internet safety is a group effort – let’s all work together to ensure our kids can safely navigate the online world.