Rise and Shine Without the Ache: Getting Up Made Easy for All Ages!

Getting out of bed and up from a chair without straining your joints or causing injury is crucial, especially for older people or those with existing medical conditions. Here are some helpful tips and techniques to ensure these daily movements are as safe and comfortable as possible.

Getting Out of Bed Safely

  1. Begin on your side: Regardless of your initial position, move onto your side before attempting to leave the bed. If you’re lying on your back, bend one knee to place your foot flat on the bed, then use this leg to push your hips and encourage your body onto its side. Don’t forget to breathe, as this helps to keep pressure and tension in the muscles and joints low.

  2. Move to the edge of the bed: Once you’re lying on your side, shift towards the edge of the bed. Pull your knees up to meet your chest, or at least until they’re level with your hips. This helps to stimulate your leg muscles before standing.

  3. Let your legs do the work: As you lower your legs off the bed, use the elbow of your lower arm and your other hand for support, pushing yourself up into a seated position. If you begin to feel light-headed, pause for a moment to recover.

  4. Warm up your lower back: Pivot your pelvis forwards and backwards, taking care to perform this action slowly and gently, to encourage blood flow to your lower back.

  5. Stand up: Position your hands on your thighs, then transfer your body weight onto your heels. Push your hands upwards as you stand, remembering to pause once upright to recover your balance before walking away.

Getting Up from a Chair Safely

  1. Edge forwards: Slide towards the front of the chair before attempting to stand, as this movement provides better leverage.

  2. Warm up your lower back: Allow your body to adjust to the motion by performing six gentle pelvic tilts before standing up.

  3. Keep your feet flat: Ensure your heels are slightly behind your knees to maintain balance as you stand. Use your hands and legs for support as you rise, exhaling as you go, and be sure to pause upon standing for balance and recovery.

Points to Remember

  1. Avoid using chair arms for support: Pushing down on the arms of the chair could cause it to slide suddenly, increasing the risk of falls and injury.

  2. Do not use tables or desks for support: Instead, slide away from the surface and use the suggested techniques to help you stand up.

  3. Apply these methods to car seats: Slide up towards the front of the seat, turn to place both feet outside the car, and follow the tips mentioned above for getting up from a chair.

In conclusion, these simple techniques can improve everyday ease and quality of life, while reducing the chances of injury.