Stop Spinning Your Wheels: Five Simple Steps to Truly Boost Your Health!

Taking control of one’s health and well-being can be a challenge. Many people find themselves trying to do the right things, like eating well and exercising regularly, only to find that they are not making the progress they hoped for. The problem is that they are merely trying, not actually doing. It may seem like a small distinction, but it can make all the difference in the world.

Our culture has taught us to rely on others, like doctors, coaches, and therapists, to take care of us. While these professionals can undoubtedly help, they can only do so much. Most of the healing process, whether physically or mentally, occurs during our personal time. This means that the responsibility for our health and well-being ultimately falls on our shoulders.

To shift from trying to doing, it is crucial to take a step back and recognize that health and illness exist along a continuum. Health is a process that takes time and requires effort, with the majority of that effort coming from our day-to-day actions, not the occasional doctor’s visit or therapy session. It’s important to keep these five facts in mind:

  1. Health and illness are at opposite ends of a spectrum.
  2. Health is a process that takes time.
  3. Most of the healing happens during our personal time, not during appointments or therapy sessions.
  4. The responsibility for doing the daily work required to maintain health falls entirely on the individual.
  5. You can change your outcomes once you change your mindset.

Understanding the Continuum of Health and Illness

The idea that health and illness exist along a spectrum is important because it emphasizes that there are varying degrees of both, and that we are not destined to be either completely healthy or completely sick. In other words, we have some control over where we fall on this spectrum.

For example, chronic headaches don’t just appear out of nowhere. They begin for a reason, and if left unaddressed, they can become more frequent and severe over time. Similarly, taking pain medication for a headache might provide temporary relief, but it does nothing to address the root cause, leading to recurring headaches.

Embracing the Process of Health

Since health and illness fall along a continuum, improving one’s health is also a process. Improving our blood sugar levels or managing pain might be temporary if we don’t take the time to understand our bodies and figure out what additional actions are needed. This means implementing a diverse set of practices, such as:

  • Getting adequate sleep
  • Engaging in regular exercise
  • Managing stress
  • Weaning off medications when appropriate
  • Supplementing with nutrients
  • Eating whole, organic foods
  • Stretching and maintaining mobility
  • Practicing meditation or deep breathing exercises

Taking Personal Responsibility for Health

As mentioned before, the burden of maintaining our health largely falls on our shoulders. While doctors and other healthcare professionals can certainly help, they can only do so much for us. Integrating daily habits that promote physical and mental well-being is key to making progress in our health journey.

This means being intentional with how we structure our days, setting aside time for exercise, meal planning and cooking, taking supplements, managing stress, and ensuring that we are getting enough sleep. If we’re not taking these personal responsibilities seriously, it’s unlikely that we’ll see the progress we desire.

Changing Your Mindset about Health

One of the most significant hurdles to overcome when transitioning from a “trying” mindset to a “doing” mindset is reframing how we think about our health. We must recognize that our health is not solely in the hands of our doctors and therapists – it’s in our hands as well.

To make this change, start by identifying the actions you need to take to improve your health. Write down an accompanying specific process for each action, such as shopping for organic produce or scheduling time for exercise. Once you have a comprehensive list, work on integrating these actions into your daily routine.

It might be challenging at first, but persisting with these new habits will make a world of difference in your health and well-being. Remember that health is a lifelong process that requires continuous effort, and it starts with changing your mindset from simply trying to actively doing.

In conclusion, the key to taking control of your health and well-being lies in understanding that good health is not an end destination, but rather a continuous process. By recognizing that maintaining health is largely dependent on our daily habits and taking responsibility for making these changes, we can shift from merely trying to actively doing, ultimately leading to better outcomes and a healthier, happier life.