Your Credit Score Might Be Telling You About Your Heart Health

Your credit score isn’t just a number that banks and other financial institutions look at before approving a loan or a credit card. Surprisingly, it can also be an indicator of your heart health. This connection between your financial status and your physical wellbeing has been established by the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study in New Zealand. The study shows that a declining credit score can signal an increased risk of cardiovascular issues. This is because certain personality traits – such as self-control, foresight, and persistence – contribute to both financial stability and improved health.

The relationship between money and health

According to Terrie Moffitt, one of the researchers involved in this study who currently teaches psychology and neuroscience at Duke University, the main takeaway is that “people who don’t take care of their money don’t take care of their health.” This study analyzed the mental and physical health data of over 1,000 participants from New Zealand, who have been monitored from birth to age 38.

The researchers discovered that around 20% of the connection between heart health and credit scores could be attributed to the behaviors, attitudes, and aptitudes of individuals when they were under 10 years old. As Salomon Israel, another researcher, explains, “We’re showing that these things take root early in life.”

Framingham cardiovascular risk score: The heart and credit connection

In the study, participants’ heart health was ranked using the Framingham cardiovascular risk score, a widely recognized risk assessment tool. A positive correlation was discovered – better credit scores led to healthier hearts.

The researchers also found that higher levels of education and stronger intellectual abilities were linked to both higher credit scores and better cardiovascular health. As a result, the scientists concluded that “[life] insurance companies that acquire an applicant’s credit score are also indirectly acquiring information about that applicant’s educational attainment, intelligence, and personality, right back to childhood.”

A chance to improve both your finances and health

Understanding how your credit score can impact your health could be the key to making better financial decisions. Here are three factors to consider when it comes to maintaining a strong credit score and, in turn, a healthier heart.

1. Financial discipline matters

Budgeting and tracking expenses is crucial for managing your finances effectively. Whether you’re saving for a rainy day, paying off debts, or investing, maintaining discipline in your financial life can also translate to better health management.

2. Establish and prioritize goals

Setting and prioritizing goals can help you understand your financial situation better. For example, if your goal is to become debt-free, you might make debt reduction one of your main financial priorities. In turn, achieving these goals can give you a sense of accomplishment, improved mental health, and greater motivation to keep pursuing a healthier life.

3. Seek support from professionals or loved ones

If you’re struggling with financial difficulties or are unsure how to manage your credit, don’t hesitate to seek help. Consult a financial advisor for guidance, or talk to friends or family members who can provide support and advice. Openly discussing your financial situation and your health concerns can help you develop a plan to tackle these issues effectively.


Your credit score is more than just a number used by banks and financial institutions. It reflects your financial stability and can indicate your heart health. By taking the steps necessary to improve your credit score, you’re not only improving your financial outlook but also potentially reducing your risk of cardiovascular problems. By cultivating habits such as financial discipline, goal-setting, and seeking help when needed, you can work towards a healthier, more financially stable future.